Ultimate Guide to Merging Websites Together for SEO


A site merger may occur in a variety of situations. For example, you may have just acquired a new website or are rebranding your business. If you integrate the sites, you now face the possibility of losing traffic, or, if you do it well, gaining visitors.

The danger of traffic and ranking loss when merging sites has diminished over the years, allowing for a large traffic rise from the best SEO services of combining sites.

Maintaining several websites is more work than consolidating them. In addition, unless they have extremely diverse business lines and keywords, the two may compete with each other for ranking. Customers may be misled by many sites if the branding is inconsistent.

You may gain the SEO advantages of merging sites while funneling link juice and consolidating promotional efforts for consistent branding by merging your sites. When it comes to SEO, changing a site may be nerve-wracking, but in many circumstances, the advantages outweigh the risks.

Before merging websites, be sure to check for any penalties on each domain

It’s a good idea to double-check both sites for algorithmic or human penalties before making the switch. Because of penalties for unnatural connections, Site B may be discounted when you move it from Site A. Before merging the sites, all penalties must be erased.

Creating a New Site by Merging Existing Content

If you keep the old material on the original site, you’ll be accused of duplicating content and face a google penalty. Make sure there is no missing material, otherwise the new site may not be ready when the merger is completed. The best way to lose traffic is by leaving out a piece of the jigsaw.

Use an internet application to gather all of the content information you need to classify and arrange the material you’re migrating. You may choose to remove pages from the original site that are no longer relevant or have a high value.


While transferring material, you should export just the top pages, such as those with inbound links, as they will have the greatest link juice. The link equity will be passed forward by redirecting all original and authoritative pages with 301s. There is no use in using 302 links since they just indicate a temporary relocation.

Using 301 redirects for URLs

A whopping 90-99% of the previous site’s link juice should be transferred over to the 301 redirects. An HTTP 302 redirect just diverts users and Google bots momentarily, leaving your link juice behind. A permanent change has been made using an HTTP 301 redirect.

Either the .htaccess file or the PHP technique may be used to create 301 redirects. Redirect to appropriate sites to minimize link juice loss. More link juice will be sent to your page if it is more relevant.

Avoid Underestimating the Potential Perils

The risks are low, but the rewards are enormous if done right. When a website merger or consolidation fails, the most prevalent reason is a human mistake by someone who lacks the necessary expertise.

The merger cannot be handled on your own. Ensure that there will be no traffic disruptions by using the best SEO services of a merger team.

Finally, while combining the sites, be careful to remove any information that is either weak or of low quality, or just isn’t worth the time and effort to create.

Merging websites is all about combining the finest of both worlds into a single online presence. Instead of bringing the content over, you may 404 the old page or just redirect the URL to the new site’s matching page.

Planning on combining websites? Contact Platinum SEO for merging two websites together and not losing your SEO traffic at the same time.